Disgrace, chaos, war between police and drug sellers, poverty, extremely high crime levels, social inequality and conflicts while politicians hide in their houses far away from people, the same one they look for on election times…This is the main features of the “Wonderful City” of Rio de Janeiro, in Brazil. Yes, the post cards with beaches and all that you see are lies to cover the deep problems of our society. Lies for you to come and enjoy a country that the natives can’t. This is the bitter and nasty reality that the quartet LACERATED AND CARBONIZED shows in its lyrics, and on their new album, “NarcoHell,” the explicit, even deeper social wounds of this hellish city!
Their musical work is far evolved than showed on their last album, “The Core of Disruption.” Their Death Metal brutality is untouched, but now adorned with perfect technical elegance, and very good new experimental touches (some keyboard parts in some moments, as you will hear on “Severed Nation”). They evolved in a level that they can really match great names from Death Metal. These guys have blood in their eyes, and excellent Extreme Metal in their veins! Recorded at HR Studios in Rio de Janeiro, having Felipe Eregion (from UNEARTHLY) as producer with the band itself, and with mixing and mastering done by Andy Classen on Stage One Studios in Germany, the whole sonority of “NarcoHell” is perfect! No, there are no words that can describe the balance between weight, brutality, aggressiveness and clarity. It’s extremely perfect in each of these aspects, and the instrumental tunes were chosen perfectly. The cover is a fine job as well, from the drummer Victor that is about the truth that the Brazilian government and the mayor of Rio de Janeiro don’t want you to see.................................

Lacerated and Carbonized
Third World Slavery
Released in 2012
Mixed, Mastered